Thursday, February 8, 2007

Phoenix KJZZ with Blaise Lantana

1/31 We spend a wonderful morning with Doug Tidaback, daughter Katie, and Rodney Burton. Pancakes and lush desert tour. As ever, once we begin driving...rain! The fog blowing off the desert mountains is gorgeous and rainbows abound. Lunch with Darby Christensen and Kip Sullivan of our Summit records label. Thanks guys! Met Blaise Lantana at KJZZ in Phoenix. Scott had met her, radio hostess par excellence and singer, in Prescott the summer before. She was engaging and inquisitive and made us feel at home in the studio. I was thrilled that she played Unit 7 from my "Haven't We Met"? album. We'll see Blaise again at the Prescott Jazz Summit this August.

It was a dark and windy night as we drove home in the rain...our constant companion. And...we're still speaking to each other. Must be in the right track. Thanks to you all for checking in to our blog and coming out to hear us!!! Hope to be in your neighborhood soon. Please keep your eye on my calendar.

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